Saturday, June 7, 2014

18 days after planting and a small water leak

It has been 18 days since I planted all the seeds and nearly all the seeds have sprouted. The watermelon and tomatoes sprouted quickly and as of now only the anise and the peppermint do not yet have visible sprouts. The chives, watermelon, peppers and tomatoes are doing the best so far!

Also had a few small water leaks out of one of the drainage tubing nipple connections. I applied more silicone sealant to solve the problem.


  1. Awesome ! Keep it up. I am going to try and get my PiPlanter put together. If you have any advise please post it.
    Also , was it hard to put it together? I do not have experience in programming.

    Thank you !

  2. Thank you for reminding me that some people still see this blog! Updated with some new posts! I am in the process of simplifying the python code a bit, not much, but a little, and will write a post about the updates to the electronic side to this project soon.

    Different parts of this will be more or less hard depending on what your background is. Building everything wasn't too hard, did it all in my apartment with simple hand tools. You will always have problems with water leaking and being places where it isn't supposed to be, thats just the joys of hydroponics.

    I had basically no experience in programing, but I had some family and friends that helped me when I got stuck. All of my code is pieced together from other people on the web, I am not at all capable of writing any of it myself so I hope that is encouraging at least!

    Good Luck!
