Monday, March 23, 2015

Plants plants everywhere. Biweekly pruning becomes a necessity.

It is still very much winter here in Chicago and the plants are acting like it is mid summer! Except for flowering, the peppers hint at flowers sometimes but haven't had some open yet. I have to prune two large handfuls of plant material off the tops of them plants every few weeks to keep them from smashing up against the sides of the greenhouse too badly.

This is what the greenhouse looks like today. (March 23) My previous two posts show pictures from early and late January.

My plant biomass is very high and quite crowded. Hurts me to prune them back so heavily since it wasn't so long ago that I was struggling to get them going. As you can see form the middle picture (and all of them really) it is about time for a prune. Especially the one site that faces my window gets denser. I will try to pull some of these plants toward the other side and into the wire trellis. 

Now the only part I am missing is some flowers so I can get some fruit going! Wondering if the temperature needs to be higher for that. We will see what happens as it gets warmer outside. But the plant biomass and health is excellent so I am not worried! 

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